Updated COVID-19 Information

(Effective 03/01/2022)

February 28, 2022

Dear families,

 Last Wednesday the Virginia General Assembly passed Senate Bill 739, which allows parents to opt their children out of mask wearing effective March 1. Then, on Friday afternoon, the CDC released updated guidance to allow health decisions to be made based on COVID-19 community levels.  In addition, on Friday afternoon, our governing body, VDDE, released its COVID-19 guidelines for child care programs. These guidelines provide discretion so programs can work closely with parents to implement practices that best meet the needs of each individual program and their families.

 At LEAD, the health and safety of our students and staff is our number one priority; since we opened in 2020, we have been communicating openly, working hard, and following high standards for health and disinfection to keep our small community safe. Therefore, even though families can choose whether their children wear masks effective March 1, we strongly recommend that families continue to mask their children for their protection and the protection of peers and staff when they attend preschool. 

 The rationale for this recommendation is that as of today, 83% of the children that attend LEAD are not eligible for vaccination yet. What’s more, because children are still learning and practicing new  self-reliance skills, children cannot always keep their distance or respect other people’s personal space or cannot cover themselves when sneezing or coughing. Children also explore with their 5 senses, and this means that objects can easily get in contact with fluids such as saliva and boogers that later on can be touched by others. Staff members work in close contact with children (during play, diapering, meals, projects) and are fully exposed to sneezes, coughs, and body fluids. Finally, several of our families live with or are in contact with family members who are at higher risk of an infection.  

 We hope to continue to see a decline in COVID-19 cases in our broader community and we hope COVID-19 vaccines for children under 5 become available in the next few months so that we can fully go “back to a normal” environment. However, as we all have learned during the pandemic, everything moves fast, and we need to be ready for whatever is on the horizon. LEAD will continue to review and adjust our policies based on guidance from CDC, VDH, and VDOE, and should any guidelines change, we would communicate promptly with you.

 We understand that wearing a mask or not is a personal decision for our families and we trust that our families will continue to do their part in maintaining a healthy environment and promoting the well-being of our small community. As a community, I’m sure we will respect one another and show kindness and compassion for those whose viewpoints or family situations are different from ours.

 Review the additional information below and should you have any questions, please contact our administration directly.

 Wishing you well,

 LEAD Day School


Additional Information Regarding COVID-19 and Health

Families should maintain social distance (6 ft.) when dropping off or picking up their children.

Families should review LEAD’s regular health policies, please check family handbook pages 11-12;

Families should inform the school if anyone in their immediate household has been diagnosed with a communicable disease or has been exposed to someone with COVID-19.

Families should immediately inform the school if anyone in their immediate household has tested positive for COVID-19.

Families should keep in mind that everyone should remain at home whenever they feel ill and must contact their primary health provider regarding guidance on testing. 

Families should review information about COVID-19, Flu, and Cold symptoms during these months; here is the link to some important information.

Families are strongly encouraged to mask their children when they have any symptoms of a cold, flu, or COVID-19.

Families whose children have seasonal allergies must provide a diagnosis statement from their primary health provider stating that children do not have a respiratory infection.

Children/staff who show up with COVID-Like symptoms (to include runny nose, cough, fever, chills, follow the link for more info) will be isolated, and parents will be called to pick them up within 60 minutes. Siblings or anyone residing in the household will be sent home as well. Children/staff who leave due to COVID-Like symptoms must provide an alternative diagnosis statement from their primary health provider to return to school.

Families should review the COVID algorithm we follow to determine when a child/staff can come to school Child-School COVID19 Algorithm. 

Families should continue to wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol)

Families should watch their health and look for symptoms of COVID-19. Take your temperature if you feel sick

Families should follow local recommendations or requirements after travel.

LEAD will continue to closely monitor the health of our students and staff. 

LEAD will continue to require families to fill out the daily health screening questionnaire.

LEAD will continue to check the children’s temperature upon arrival and throughout the day.

LEAD will monitor daily the local COVID-19 guidance and COVID-19 community level.

LEAD will continue to distance children during meals and play.

LEAD will continue to offer face shields for close play.

LEAD will continue not to allow toys or accessories brought from home.

LEAD will continue not to allow visitors during times that children are present.

LEAD will continue to disinfect the entire premises daily. 

LEAD will continue to follow the CDC COVID-19 recommendations for K-12 and Early Care and Education Program as well as VDH and VDOE. 

COVID-19 Travel Guidance

Families/staff should continue to be extra vigilant and not let their guard down even if a situation appears to be safe.

We are following the CDC's guidelines for travel. Please review carefully the CDC guidelines for domestic and international travel.

If a family/staff chooses to travel, we ask that families/staff:

-        self-quarantine for 7 - 10 days upon returning from their trip and before returning to school or

-        self-quarantine and get a viral test 3 - 5 days after returning from your trip and share the results with the school before returning to school or

-        provide an alternative diagnosis statement from their primary health provider to return to school.


General COVID Information