General COVID Information

LEAD Day School opened to children on August 31st, 2020. Our classes will be limited to 10 children for the 2-year-old class and 14 children per class for the 3, 4, 5-8-year-old classes. By State mandate, children of essential personnel will have priority should we go back to phase II or I.

We have adapted our program environment, policies, and procedures to ensure the safety, and well being of our staff, community, your family, and, most importantly, your children. This document is the short version of the COVID Policies and Procedures which will be shared with enrolled families before the start date.  This document and the regular COVID Policies and Procedures are based upon guidance from the Centers for Disease Control childcare/index.html , Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Social Services , Fairfax County Department of Health

We will be in direct and frequent contact with Fairfax County’s Office for Children and our Licensing Inspector for further clarification and support. You can read more about Phase III Guidelines and Information for Child Care (Virginia Department of Social Services) at

Clear and open communication is vital. As restrictions are lifted, we may ease some of our own, but will notify you when that takes place. We welcome your questions and concerns and ask your continued patience as we navigate the challenges brought on by the COVID19 pandemic.

  • Adults will be asked to remain 6 feet apart from other adults. As much as possible, child activities will be designed to encourage space between children.

  • Children will be placed in smaller groups within the 10 or 14 children limit.

  • Programming will be altered to increase the distance between children.

  • Children will remain with their group throughout the day and will be separated from other classroom groups, even when outdoors.

  • The playground will be closely monitored and any equipment available will be sanitized before and after the children’s use.

  • Meals and snacks will be served in the classrooms. Children will bring food (morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack) and eating utensils from home. Children will bring their own water bottle.

  • Guests and visitors are not to be permitted entry to the building unless prior approval has been obtained.

  • Parents must email, call or text before gaining permission to enter any area of the school. If permitted to enter an area, parents will remove their shoes, wash hands upon entry, wear a mask, submit to a temperature check and complete the Health Check.

  • There will be multiple temperature checks throughout the day to include arrival, every 2 hours, and dismissal. 

  • Children will need to bring different shoes that will remain at the school, ballet shoes are highly encouraged. Children will change into their school shoes upon arrival. 

  • Parents will need to complete a Daily Health Check every morning. Once they complete the questionnaire, they will be provided a QR code to sign in. Parents will need to use their own electronic device to sign in.

  • There are many built-in hand washing breaks throughout the day. Children will be taught to wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds through different approaches.

  • Children should wear a clean cloth covering when entering the school and will practice wearing a cloth covering throughout the day. Children will be encouraged to wear a cloth covering as long as it is medically and developmentally appropriate. Children can wear a cloth covering when playing outdoors. Children will not wear a cloth covering when eating or napping. Face shields for the children will be available at school and will be encouraged in certain classroom activities. 

  • Staff members and administration will use cloth face covering throughout the day. Face Shields, gloves, and smocks are also available to our staff members. 

  • Staff members and administration will strictly follow the internal cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting procedures throughout the day and will log their tasks when completed.

  • Cleaning personnel will be using a fogger daily to disinfect all the school areas after the regular end-of-day cleaning. 

  • Toys and classroom materials will be limited to items that can be successfully disinfected daily. When possible, children will be given their own supplies which will be stored in individual caddies. 

  • Children will not be allowed to bring toys or other belongings from home. 

  • Bedding items will be brought from home on Monday mornings and will be stored in a sealed Ziploc bag in the child’s cubby when not in use. 

  • If a child or staff member becomes ill, regardless of symptoms, we will immediately separate the person from the well people until the child can be picked up or staff member can leave the building.

  • If a child or staff member tests positive for COVID-19, LEAD Day School will notify the Health Department and VDSS/VDOE Licensing Inspector. We will follow their recommendations which may include, but are not limited to, notification, quarantining, cleaning, disinfecting, sanitizing and closure.

Families must adhere and follow our COVID-19 Policies and Procedures to enroll in our Day School. We, at LEAD Day School, will do our absolute best to keep children, families, staff, and community healthy and safe, and we ask that you help us in these efforts to be successful.


Updated COVID-19 Information